Audio and video feed of the FutureU Forum (November 12, 2021) with Professor Clyde W. Barrow and VP and Dean emeritus Fred L. Poston.
Faculty over the generations have felt the liberating and energizing effects of cross-boundary efforts, not just interdisciplinary efforts, but work that takes place in spaces beyond conventional academic settings, such as departments, schools, and colleges.

Clyde W. Barrow

Fred L. Poston
Our guests today–Professor Clyde W. Barrow and VP and Dean emeritus Fred L. Poston–have deep experience in doing (Barrow) and enabling (Poston) just that.
In addition, Professor Barrow has written extensively about his experiences, linking that experience with literature across fields and time. His 2019 book, The Entrepreneurial Intellectual in the Corporate University (Palgrave Macmillan), is a notable example.
LISTEN (podcast) or VIEW (YouTube video) to the FutureU Forum with Drs. Barrow and Poston. Recorded on November 12, 2021, the Forum was hosted by Professor/Director Rubén Martinez with professor emeritus Frank A. Fear serving as discussant.