College Football’s Bowl System Has Always Been a Matter of Extremes College football bowl access was overly restrictive decades ago, and today it has morphed in the opposite direction. Neither option … by Frank Fear/ December 31, 2022/ Higher Ed, Society/
PERSPECTIVES: “From Esteem to Resentment,” Researchers Contend, Tied to Higher Education’s Cost "Since 1980, the burden of the production cost of higher education has shifted from taxpayers to the individual student." by Future U/ December 30, 2022/ Higher Ed, Neoliberalism, Perspectives, Society/
PERSPECTIVES: “Corporatization and Marketization are Important Drivers in Tuition Cost Escalation” Beth Mintz, emerita professor, University of Vermont: “Neoliberal thought considers higher education a financial investment for students. It assumes colleges … by Future U/ December 29, 2022/ Higher Ed, Public Higher Ed, Society/
NEWS BRIEFS: Business Leader Named to MSU Board of Trustees From MLive: “According to the governor’s office, the Whitmer administration met with MSU students, alumni and faculty before making the … by Future U/ December 28, 2022/ MSU, News Briefs/
PERSPECTIVES: At Penn State, President’s Decision “Adds to a Long List of Broken Promises on Issues of Racial Justice” Controversy surrounds Neeli Bendapudi's decision to reverse course on funding a new center devoted to racial justice. by Future U/ December 27, 2022/ Perspectives, Public Higher Ed, Society/
PERSPECTIVES: Beginning of the End for Collegiate Academic Rankings? "Far worse than the rankings themselves is how colleges and universities try to game them." by Future U/ December 26, 2022/ Higher Ed, Perspectives, Society/
NEWS BRIEFS: Mike Balow Announces Run for 2024 MSU Board of Trustee Seat "I intend to finish what we started." by Future U/ December 25, 2022/ Public Higher Ed/
PERSPECTIVES: Higher Ed “Shouldn’t Be a Political Echo Chamber” So says Jonathan Alger, president of James Madison University, because “the purpose of a college education is to stretch your … by Future U/ December 24, 2022/ Higher Ed, Perspectives/
PERSPECTIVES: “A Horrible Decision,” Commentator Says About MSU’s Deal with Caesar’s Sportsbook Michelle Fish: “In exchange for what will amount to about $8.7 million for the Athletic Department over the next five … by Future U/ December 23, 2022/ MSU, Neoliberalism, Perspectives, Public Higher Ed/
PERSPECTIVES: Academic Philanthropy with the Collegiate Mission at Heart UnKoch My Campus has issued a report on model policies to protect against donor interference. by Future U/ December 22, 2022/ Higher Ed, Neoliberalism, Perspectives/
NEWS BRIEFS: Sen. Murphy (CT) and Representative Adams (NC, 12) Introduce “”Fair Play for Women Act” FROM THE DRAKE GROUP: “The Act would strengthen existing statutes that require colleges and universities to publicly report data demonstrating … by Future U/ December 21, 2022/ Higher Ed, News Briefs/
NEWS BRIEFS: Engaged Students for Political Action The Southern Poverty Law Center and Jackson State U students join forces in the historic effort to register Black Mississippians … by Future U/ December 20, 2022/ Higher Ed, News Briefs, Society/
NEWS BRIEFS: “Not Viable” (Swim/Dive Teams Reinstatement) Foster Reports at MSU Board Meeting Melanie Foster, MSU Trustee: “Most prohibitively, without sufficient existing fundraising, there is not a path to build a new competition pool … by Future U/ December 19, 2022/ MSU, Public Higher Ed/
PERSPECTIVES: Why Did the NCAA Appoint a Governor As Its New President? FROM THE ATHLETIC: The Association is looking to politics, Gov. Charlie Baker (R-MA), to 1) protect itself and 2) secure … by Future U/ December 18, 2022/ Higher Ed, Perspectives/
News Briefs: NLRB Renders Historic Judgment Regarding USC, PAC-12, and NCAA FROM ESPN: “The National Labor Relations Board has directed its Los Angeles regional office to pursue charges of unfair labor … by Future U/ December 17, 2022/ Public Higher Ed/