Tuesday, June 20, 9a Eastern Time, WATCH LIVE on FutureU’s YouTube Channel. (The video will be archived for viewing.)
Based on Dr. Traphagan’s recently published FutureU commentary, So You Want to be a University Administrator? , this forum will look at the ongoing infusion of metrics into all aspects of “measuring” quality in higher education. From course surveys to rubrics, the attempt to quantify all aspects of higher ed revolves around a simple equation: good metrics —> good optics —> marketing opportunities. This approach shifts the focus of administrators and others away from quality in education and research to one of quantity focused on creating marketing opportunities.

John W. Traphagan
Dr. J. W. Traphagan is an anthropologist and a Visiting Professor at the Center for International Education at Waseda University in Tokyo. He is also a Professor Emeritus in the Program in Human Dimensions of Organizations at the University of Texas at Austin. His research has appeared in numerous scientific journals. His most recent books on Japan include Cosmopolitan Rurality, Depopulation, and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in 21st Century Japan (2020) and The Blood of Gutoku: A Jack Riddley Mystery in Japan (2021).
Rubén O. Martinez, professor emeritus of sociology, director emeritus of the Julian Samora Research Institute at Michigan State University, and FutureU’s founder, will host the program. George Styles a biochemist with broad-ranging interests, including critical thinking, philosophy, and science, will offer commentary as a discussant. Dr. Style’s podcast, The Socratic Method, is available on YouTube.
FutureU’s YouTube Channel here.