ANNOUNCEMENT: Academic Freedom Resources List From AAUP

  • All statements are available on the AAUPs website and in the eleventh edition of the AAUP Redbook, formally titled Policy Documents and Reports, which can be purchased from Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Protecting an Independent Faculty Voice:
    Academic Freedom after Garcetti v. Ceballos
    Academic freedom “… is the freedom to teach, both in and outside the classroom, to conduct
    research and to publish the results of those investigations, and to address any matter of
    institutional policy or action whether or not as a member of an agency of institutional
    governance. Professors should also have the freedom to address the larger community with
    regard to any matter of social, political, economic, or other interest, without institutional
    discipline or restraint, save in response to fundamental violations of professional ethics or
    statements that suggest disciplinary incompetence.”
    1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure
    “Institutions of higher education are conducted for the common good and not to further the
    interest of either the individual teacher or the institution as a whole. The common good depends
    upon the free search for truth and its free exposition.”
    Statement on Professional Ethics
    “As teachers, professors encourage the free pursuit of learning in their students.”
    “Professors demonstrate respect for students as individuals and adhere to their proper roles as
    intellectual guides and counselors.”
    “They avoid any exploitation, harassment, or discriminatory treatment of students.”
    Freedom in the Classroom
    … some assume “that students have a right not to have their most cherished beliefs challenged.
    This assumption contradicts the central purpose of higher education, which is to challenge
    students to think hard about their own perspectives, whatever those might be. It is neither
    harassment nor discriminatory treatment of a student to hold up to close criticism an idea or
    viewpoint the student has posited or advanced. Ideas that are germane to a subject under
    discussion in a classroom cannot be censored because a student with particular religious or
    political beliefs might be offended.”
    Statement on Extramural Utterances
    “The controlling principle is that a faculty member’s expression of opinion as a citizen cannot
    constitute grounds for dismissal unless it clearly demonstrates the faculty member’s unfitness
    for his or her position. Extramural utterances rarely bear upon the faculty member’s fitness for
    the position.”
    Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities
    “When ignorance or ill will threatens the institution or any part of it, the governing board must
    be available for support. In grave crises it will be expected to serve as a champion. Although the
    action to be taken by it will usually be on behalf of the president, the faculty, or the student
    body, the board should make clear that the protection it offers to an individual or a group is, in
    fact, a fundamental defense of the vested interests of society in the educational institution.”

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