John Duley “Challenged Us, Instructed Us, Stretched Us, Supported Us, and Loved Us. And We Loved Him Back” “Now is always the time when more good can be done.” (From the Iona Community, spoken at John Duley’s celebration … by Ronald Dorr/ July 24, 2021/ Audio, Education, Higher Ed, MSU, Perspectives, Podcast, Society, Video/
NEWS BRIEFS: New Book Makes Strong Case for ‘Engaged Scholarship’ “Andrew J. Hoffman draws upon existing literature and personal experience to bring attention to the problem of academic insularity—where it … by Future U/ March 25, 2021/ Books, Higher Ed, Perspectives/
NEWS BRIEFS: Student Performance At Florida SW College Will Complement Lecture By Virginia Tech’s Marc Edwards Edwards played a leading role in uncovering lead in Flint’s drinking water. The students will perform Steven Dietz’s Paragon Springs (waters … by Future U/ October 26, 2016/ Higher Ed, Perspectives, Public Higher Ed, Society/
PERSPECTIVES: Incredible Life Of An Engaged College President John R. Coleman, once president of Haverford College, was an engaged scholar and administrator, including (among other things) organizing college presidents against the … by Future U/ September 9, 2016/ Higher Ed, Perspectives, Society/