President Michael D. Higgins also remarked that in the name of market forces there is an “inexorable drive towards a utilitarian reductionism that is now so pervasive.”
Higgins made his comments at an international conference organized by Scholars at Risk. Watch his speech here.
This is a very good presentation by Michael Higgins on the corporate takeover of higher education and its impact on the culture of academe and the demise of critical thinking both inside and outside of the classroom. What strikes me most is the consistency of the message from multiple sources from across the globe. Rationalization is a leading cause of the disconnect between progress and human wellbeing. And as the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association have wittingly or not contributed to this process, the American Sociological Association has become a contributor in order to be “relevant.” What are the responses of these and other professional organizations to the homogenization of education produced by online learning? What are the responses of these and other professional organizations to the movement in politics to censor the teaching of critical race theory? Unless educators find a political and economic alternative to the current model in education, their role in having the liberty to speak truth to power will become another platitude.