Felicity Jones (pseudonym), constitutional law professor and attorney, writing in ACADEME BLOG: “(Ours is a) period of retrenchment. Retrenchment looks like dismantling access to knowledge that can challenge the status quo, losing access to ideas that inspire us to imagine what could be, and destroying a vision of the United States as a place where the people are empowered, brilliant, resilient, and diverse. There is no one coming to save us, and we cannot rely on one or two brave souls to effectuate the change we want to see. We must save us. And the easiest way to start is to support our collective well-being in any way possible. The difficulty of the task at hand is incidental. As T. S. Elliot wrote, “For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business.” Many of us are not used to fighting for what we deserve or engaging in “good trouble.” In this way, we are all students.” Read the full commentary here.